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Electrical insulation

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-06-30      Origin: Site

Electrical insulation

The main function of the insulating material is to isolate the conductors with electricity or different potentials, so that the current can flow in a predetermined direction.
Therefore, the insulating material should have high insulation resistance and compressive strength, and can avoid accidents such as leakage and breakdown.
Secondly, the high temperature resistance is better, to avoid long-term high temperature and aging deterioration, in addition to good thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and lightning resistance, high mechanical strength and convenient processing technology.
Most of the insulating materials are organic materials and inorganic materials. The organic materials are divided into: epoxy resin board, polyester board, polyimide resin board, phenolic board, cardboard, etc., and inorganic thermal insulation materials are divided into: mica, asbestos, Ceramics, etc., are mainly used for winding insulation of motors and electrical appliances, bottom plates and insulators of switches, etc.
Requirements for performance indexes of insulating materials: breakdown strength, insulation resistance, heat resistance, compression resistance, etc.
Insulating material parts are suitable for insulating parts in motors, electrical appliances, transformers, electrical control cabinets, switch cabinets, power distribution cabinets, rectifiers and other equipment. Among them, epoxy board insulation parts have good insulation performance in electrical and electrical equipment. Oxygen board has quality advantages and moderate price, our company can provide professional epoxy insulation board processing parts to customers.

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